Past weekend I’ve picked up my packaged bees from beekind ( which I ordered in January. Both packages were “local” bees. We left in  the morning around 10:15AM and we were back around 6:30PM. In the way to  Sebastapol, we stopped in Marine Headlands for sight-seeing and for  light lunch. I’ve asked the guys in beekind to brush-off the bees from packages and  no bees got out during our 2+ hours trip which was cool considering I had 3 kids in the minivan. Installing the bees was easy, bu the video quality is not best due to  rush :(. Also, my phone’s memory was full and only captured the half of  installation of the second hive, so I removed that part. I might be doing somethings wrong, so let me know if you see any mistakes or if you have any questions.